We hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of summer break. We are so excited to start the new school year, take a moment to check out August’s parent newsletter.

Community Back to School Bash! Monday, August 5, 2024, 5 - 7 pm, at Zion-Benton High School. We can't wait to see you at this FREE community event!

Beach Park District 3 students return to school on August 21, 2024.
School Supply Lists are available online - https://www.bpd3.org/o/bpd3/page/school-supplies

A communication has been sent regarding a devastating loss in our school’s community. To read the communication, please click on the following link: https://bit.ly/3W4qanw (English) - https://bit.ly/3W4qoem (Spanish) - If anyone would like to donate, they can drop off cards, gift cards, etc. to the district office at Beach Park School District 3 this week. You can also deliver such donations to Zion-Benton High School (Superintendent’s Office).

Kindergarten Countdown Camp will be starting soon, this free program is for children entering Kindergarten this fall who have little to no preschool experience. Contact Marissa Gomez at (847)775-1058 to sign up.

You're invited to the District 3 Early Learning Center Ribbon Cutting event on Monday, June 17th, at 5:00 p.m.! Please join us for a great evening celebrating this wonderful addition to our community!

THREE BROTHERS THEATRE’S KID SUMMERSTOCK CAMP! See the flyers for information. Call (224) 419-4325 to register!

Report Cards are now posted to the Parent Portal along with updated outstanding fee statements that require action. Check your email for more information. ///Las boletas de calificaciones ahora se publican en el Portal para padres junto con los estados de cuenta de tarifas pendientes actualizados que requieren acción. Revisa tu correo electrónico para más información.

Congratulations to our 8th-grade Graduates! We are incredibly proud of our students and look forward to seeing their accomplishments in high school and beyond.

Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) or "SUN Bucks" is a federally funded program that provides grocery-buying benefits to low-income families with school-aged children when schools are closed for the summer. The Summer EBT is a one-time, $120 per eligible student benefit for summer 2024 administered by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS).
Most eligible families will be automatically enrolled in the Summer EBT program. Families can contact their child's school to make sure their low-income indicators are up to date. The issuances and notices will be sent to eligible households at the end of August.
A Summer EBT application will be available over the summer. IDHS will have a screener available July 1 for families to check if the agency has the information needed to process their child's Summer EBT benefit, an application is required, or an updated address is needed.
Please also note that during the summer months, families in need of meals can call 800-359-2163, text “FOOD" (or “COMIDA") to 304-304, or view the USDA online map (https://bit.ly/4arqJwH) to find nearby meal sites not located at their school that are open to all children and youth age 18 and younger. For more information, or for help to determine eligibility after school is out, please visit the Illinois Department of Human Services website (https://bit.ly/4bpSNSe). Reference the EBT/SUN Bucks Fact Sheet - English: https://bit.ly/3wONOeQ - Spanish: https://bit.ly/3wyckB3

Children's Health and Safety Fair! Saturday, June 1st, 10 am—1 pm, at Northwestern Medicine Grayslake Outpatient Center, 1475 East Belvidere Road, Grayslake, IL.

Here are just some of the many summer activities happening at the Zion Benton Public Library this summer!

The last day of school is Friday, May 24! What are your children doing this summer? CHAMPIONS has Summer Camp at Oak Crest School starting June 3. Check out the attached flyers for more information on how to sign up and what activities they have planned for the kids! If you have any questions, please call Nandi Baker at (224) 343-5529.

Last night at the Lake County Educator of the Year Awards, Mrs. Flader, Mr. Rosas, and Ms. Aken were recognized for their outstanding work on behalf of our students. Congratulations, and keep up the great work!

To Our Amazing Beach Park Staff!
Happy Monday, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week, Happy Last Month of School!
You are ALL the backbone of education, without you not much else can work. I hope each and every one of you knows how much I appreciate, respect, and care about you. You are part of the Beach Park Family. I want to thank you today, yesterday, tomorrow, and always for all you do on behalf of our students.
I hope your entire week is amazing! You deserve to have the best week ever! Thank you for all you do. I love you all, appreciate you all, and respect your choice to be an educator more than anything. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Denise A. Wilcox, Ed.D.
Beach Park School District #3

Dear Beach Park Learning Community,
Can you believe it? May is here! Check out what our schools have been up to and what May has to offer. Click the link below to view the parent newsletter for May. https://www.smore.com/n/9c45v

25th Annual First Responders Expo Celebration - everyone is invited!

Do you have a Kindergartener attending Beach Park Schools for the 2024-2025 school year? How AMAZING would it be if they learned to speak, read, and write in Spanish? Parents/Guardians, here is your opportunity to give your child the gift of a second language! Attend a Dual Language Parent Information Session for more information - May 3, 2024, at 10:00 am via Google Meet or May 7, 2024, at 5:30 pm at Howe School