COVID-19 Guidelines

Dear Beach Park Learning Community,

We wanted to update all families on some of the COVID-19 changes and updates for this year.  Included in this communication are the practices all Beach Park Schools will employ pertaining to COVID-19.  We are following the requirements issued from the ISBE, the CDC, the Lake County ROE, and the Illinois Department of Public Health.  For tracking and accountability purposes, we will be asking for pictures of COVID-19 tests this year for all students any time they will be out due to COVID-19 illness or quarantine.  Students who must quarantine following the guidelines included here or who test positive and must be absent from school can participate in remote learning via Google Meets Links included in their Google Classrooms; there are NO other reasons students will be allowed to participate in remote learning.

COVID-19 Guidelines

Thank you for your continued partnership in education and helping us to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for our students and staff.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.  


Dr. Denise Wilcox, Interim Superintendent

Letter (English/Spanish)